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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Black Screen of Death

Encountered a Black Screen of Death with a client pc, that I haven't been able to fix - going to require reinstall of Vista. Installing a second hd with software, scanned the drive and found 937 infected files (with Avira). Yuck. Still couldn't access the drive with Vista explorer.

The good new - using SLAX, I was able to open the document directories, and found the files still intact. Still haven't been able to copy the files yet, but working on that.

I'd like to just load PCLinuxOS for the guy - give him a more trouble free, low maintenance experience. I wonder if he could handle it?

I installed a separate HD with XP, and put the files on a backup drive (on sale for $50 at Radio Shack Memorial Day sale), and ordered re-install disks from HP.
After a weekend of updating, it's now at Vista SP2 and running better than original.
Installed Avira personal, and put the files back on.


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